
ICES Teacher Adopts Holstein Calf to Help Students Learn

November 10, 2022 Author: Indian Creek Schools

Mrs. Benni Burgett’s Indian Creek Elementary School class has been on a new adventure this fall, learning all about cows.

The class adopted a Holstein calf through Discover Dairy, an interactive lesson series aligned with state standards. The calf, Natalie, was born on September 13, weighed 85 pounds and was 30 inches tall.

The class has loved learning about Natalie, and cows like Natalie, through worksheets and activities.

“When Natalie was born, the students saw her picture and asked about the tags in her ear,” said Mrs. Burgett. “This gave us an opportunity to meet with a local farmer and learn about why farmers tag cattle.”

Through downloadable classroom materials, the students have learned about dairy cattle and how to identify the different types of cows. Additionally, the class shares random facts with other ICES students during morning announcements.

“The students are excited to walk into class and ask about Natalie,” said Burgett. “When the class works really hard, we enjoy cow talk at the end of the day. We even have a stuffed Natalie mascot who provides extra snuggles and hugs when needed. It has been a great experience, and we look forward to learning more throughout the year.”

Indian Creek Schools

Indian Creek Schools

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