Where Excellence in Education is the Expectation
Indian Creek is a vibrant school system with a solid reputation for strong academics, competitive athletics, and high-quality fine arts. Families receive a great education and the convenience of one centrally located campus.
at a public school with a private school culture
Your career at Indian Creek Schools offers:
Continuous opportunity for staff members to improve their craft through weekly professional development opportunities
- Federal teacher loan forgiveness programs
- Competitive salary and benefit packages which include medical, dental, life and vision insurance options
- Opportunity to work with a variety of financial planning professionals to help prepare for long-term retirement strategies and goals
- Strong infrastructure with integrated classroom technology and the use of 1:1 devices to facilitate the learning experience for both teachers and students Large school experience set in a caring, small school and community environment
- Grant opportunities through the NHJ Educational Foundation

Are you a new or experienced teacher and interested in a career at Indian Creek Schools?
Our Mission
Where Excellence in Education is the Expectation! We strive to accomplish this mission by adhering to these core values:
- Provide a rigorous and relevant curriculum based upon local, state, and national standards
- Work together with parents and community so all students have the
- potential to learn and show academic growth
- Integrate technology to facilitate instruction, enhance student learning,
- and provide effective communication
- Maintain clean, safe, and updated facilities and equipment
- Encourage and develop a culture of excellence with our faculty, staff,
- students, programming, and facilities
- Model high standards of behavior so that character traits of service, compassion, integrity, and respect are evident in our daily actions

Nineveh-Hensley-Jackson United School Corporation will be recognized as a high performing, greatly respected, safe, encouraging, and dynamic environment that will prepare students and build community pride. We will accomplish this vision through:
- Developing a passion and commitment to excellence
- Hiring highly qualified and student-centered employees Implementing a strongly integrated technological curriculum
- Creating a culture of service
- Prioritizing financial expenses and maximizing resources
- Maintaining a continual improvement process
- Marketing our successes, accomplishments, and endeavors

Indian Creek Schools offer a unique educational environment – all four schools at one location in rural Trafalgar, Indiana. Our campus setting provides convenience for parents, a collaborative workspace for educators and a sense of community for our school district. Our school district encompasses the Johnson County townships of Nineveh and Hensley, and the Morgan County township of Jackson in south-central Indiana.
We also partner with Special Services of Johnson County and the Central Nine Career Center. Additionally, the Indian Creek Learning Center provides an alternative learning environment for students in grades 10-12.
Our Mission
Indian Creek High School empowers students with knowledge, responsibility, and perseverance in order to achieve excellence.

Indian Creek High School serves grades 9 through 12 and offers students the opportunity to learn through a variety of teaching methodologies. The belief that all students can learn fuels the mission of ICHS and NHJ. Excellence, responsibility, communication and content knowledge are emphasized to help prepare students' life-long problem solving and decision-making skills.
The education received by Indian Creek High School students is a collaborative effort between students, teachers, parents, administrators, and the community. All students are given individual Chromebooks and opportunities for hands-on learning experiences. Internet success and research skills, along with digital citizenship skills are interlaced throughout the ICHS curriculum. Students are able to pursue a multitude of course options, including AP, dual credit, fine arts, and practical application courses. Our academic teams do well in both local and state competitions. With the support of community businesses, our internship program affords qualified seniors with real-world opportunities. Central Nine Career Center provides programs designed to educate and train students for today’s job market needs. Our partnership with Ivy Tech and Indiana University at Bloomington provides students with the opportunity to earn college credit at reduced or no cost while in high school.
ICHS houses a full-sized gym, natatorium, practical arts wing, library media center with an independent learning lab, computer science-based labs, and several classroom mini-labs. Computer Science classes utilize a lab, 3D printers, shop area, and participation in special projects like website design, app design and interactive coding, robot design, building, and competition to prepare students. Fine arts classes enjoy a large, airy classroom with all the tools for hands-on projects. Choral students practice in their own large, soundproof room with adjoining practice rooms. foreign languages offered are Spanish and German. Our CTE department has pathways available in fashion and textiles, education, early childhood, agriculture and more for our students to explore and prepare for their lives after high school. Our agriculture students are active participants in state and national competitions along with putting in place our own farm-to-table cattle program
Indian Creek Schools offer all newly hired teachers a first-year induction program complete with highly qualified mentors and built-in professional development time to ensure teachers are supported throughout their first year with the corporation.
Beyond this, ICHS also has a certified instructional coach to assist any teacher with all aspects of the profession throughout their career. With a collaborative and fun culture containing monthly staff activities designed for teachers of all interests and stages of life and bi-weekly pitch-ins for lunch, teachers are welcomed into our building and made to feel a part of the family.
Indian Creek Middle School
Our Mission
Engaging every student, every day, in quality learning opportunities.

Indian Creek Middle school serves grades 6, 7 and 8. ICMS stresses individual responsibility and traditional values. The required curriculum includes language arts, math, science, social studies, health and physical education. Students will also rotate through a series of related arts courses which include family and consumer science, business, STEM, general music and visual art. Band, Choir and Intro to Agriculture are offered as electives.
Extracurricular activities available are varied and numerous. Among these are soil and livestock judging, academic competition teams, spell bowl, football, cross-country, volleyball, tennis, golf, wrestling, cheerleading, basketball, swimming, diving and track and field.
Students at ICMS follow an eight-period day, changing classes after each period. The school building supports a full-sized gym, an auditorium and a state of the art media center with an adjoining multimedia presentation and computer lab, a large group instruction area, multiple curricular computer/STEM labs and wired and wireless network infrastructure. Each science classroom is equipped with a lab.
We at ICMS are committed to utilizing technology as a tool to enhance student learning. ICMS has been a 1:1 school since the 2013-14 school year. Each student at ICMS has their own touch screen Chromebook and case. These Chromebooks are the students to keep for the entire school year. Students will use the devices to assist in the completion of their in-class and independent assignments provided by the teaching staff.
Parents are encouraged to participate in Parent/Teacher nights as well as schedule conferences whenever extra academic help is needed or other problems arise.
Indian Creek Intermediate School
Our Mission
The Indian Creek Intermediate School creates an educational environment in which each student is challenged and encouraged to achieve his or her potential.
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Indian Creek Intermediate School serves students in grades 3, 4 and 5. Having only three grade levels allows opportunities to tailor our academic curriculum and our special activities and programs to meet the unique needs of our students.
The ICIS staff is very caring and dedicated to giving each student the best education possible. ICIS staff is highly involved in the staff development process and the creation of a standards-based curriculum to make learning and instruction relevant to the students. The Parent Teacher Organization is very active and supportive of the school's academic programming. Many adult volunteers enhance the social and academic learning process. All parents are encouraged to be an integral part of their child’s life at Indian Creek Intermediate School.
Lessons are designed to teach the curriculum while instilling sound morals and a positive work ethic teaching kids personal responsibility. Cooperation in and out of the classroom setting is expected and teachers present many opportunities for students to work in cooperative groups. Each student in the building has a Chromebook that they use throughout the day to meet the academic activities presented to them. The average class size is less than 24 students. For 55 minutes each day, students participate in Art, Music, or Physical Education. Our media specialist instructs students in library skills and oversees the school-wide reading incentive program that gets students excited about reading. Students have access to multiple electronic learning programs.
ICIS consistently places near the top of Johnson County in the standardized assessments given to students across the state. The students’ language arts and mathematics ISTEP scores are consistently the highest while comparing Morgan County schools as well. The third-grade students have passed the IREAD3 Assessment at 90% or higher on the first assessment for each year the assessment has been in existence. The success of the assessments is great, but preparing the students for future success beyond the Intermediate School is our school objective.
Indian Creek Elementary School
Our Mission
The Indian Creek Elementary staff, with family and community support, teaches and challenges each child to build basic and technological skills. We endeavor to promote a positive self-concept needed to become an active, self-motivated, lifelong learner. We strive to prepare each child to become the best possible citizen for the diverse and unique communities of tomorrow.
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Indian Creek Elementary School serves the needs of young children from pre-kindergarten through grade 2. ICES is unique because it is geared to meet the needs of the early childhood learner. The staff, administrators, and curriculum focus on creating opportunities for young people to grow academically, emotionally, and physically in a nurturing environment.
Notable features of ICES include a 1-to-1 model of technology using iPads. The iPads are used with Google Classroom for student engagement. The students also use them for e-Learning days. Every classroom also has multimedia presentation equipment.
ICES has Title I, special education, music, art, physical education, library, and STEAM teachers. Our school has a counselor, a speech therapist, a psychologist, and a nurse who provide support services to students. Our assessment tools are Star Reading and Star Early Literacy. These assessments provide the teacher, principal, and Title I teacher with information to assist in individualizing instruction.
Indian Creek students benefit from the staff’s ability to focus on a primary age curriculum. The staff is able to channel their efforts into the early grades and each student’s specific needs. ICES provides a warm, secure, and stimulating environment.